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shortcut name中文是什么意思

用"shortcut name"造句"shortcut name"怎么读"shortcut name" in a sentence


  • 快捷方式名称
  • 快速键功能表


  • How to : assign a shortcut name to a snippet
  • To change the shortcut name for a snippet
  • There are two ways to find the shortcut name for a code snippet
  • In the case of an installed application , it is also used to specify the shortcut name on the start menu
  • The shortcut name for an intellisense code snippet is changed by modifying the xml . snippet file
    Intellisense代码段的快捷方式名称是通过修改xml . snippet文件来进行更改的。
  • This name is used for the shortcut name on the start menu and is part of the name that appears in the
  • Type the first few characters of the shortcut name for the snippet in the code editor , followed by a question mark and tab
  • This name is used for the shortcut name on the start menu and is part of the name that appears in the add remove programs dialog
  • Shortcut names provide a way for you to insert intellisense code snippets into your code by typing a shortcut name and then pressing tab
    快捷方式名称提供了在代码中插入intellisense代码段的方法,具体操作为:键入快捷方式名称,然后按tab 。
用"shortcut name"造句  
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